Wednesday, December 11, 2013

20 Time Project-- Post 1

Comparing Eaton Rapids Seasons
 My 20 time project is to make a  booklet  of Eaton Rapids. I plan on going around and taking picture of different areas like down town, bridge, sign and special place around town. Then ill have older picture of Eaton Rapids in the summer time and the newer picture will be winter. The booklet will be comparing  the seasons and how  the town change through different seasons. This booklet will show how Eaton Rapids is a beautiful town and how it is changing everyday and maybe it could bring more people to live in Eaton Rapids if they see how amazing a small town is. There are so many thing about Eaton Rapids that make it a great town and if we could tell people about our amazing school, people and beautiful  place. I'm sure more people would move here. I lived here my whole life so I feel like doing this project will get the word out that Eaton Rapids is a good place to live in.

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